Sugaring is quick and effective for a smooth and hair-free skin appearance – for both HER and HIM.
There are many key benefits of sugaring versus other hair removal methods:
Sugaring is gentle to the skin with minimal discomfort, irritation or redness; it is suitable for sensitive skin; and helps eliminate ingrown hairs. Sugar paste is applied in the opposite direction to hair growth and removed with it, which facilitates an easier and more complete process for hair removal - minimising broken hairs. Sugar will also only adhere to the hair and dead skin cells – NOT to live skin. Sugaring is a long-lasting, gentle and all-natural method for effective hair removal, and also provides an effective exfoliating treatment which leaves your skin silky, sweet and smooth.
Waxing, by contrast, is applied in the direction of hair growth and removed against it.
Wax removal can often be harsh, resulting in broken hairs. When the hair breaks under the skin’s surface, the hair that grows in thereafter gets trapped, causing an ingrown hair which can be incredibly painful, not to mention difficult to extract and heal – especially in the bikini area. Many wax products will also adhere to live skin causing further pain and injury caused by lifting the live skin.
In her authoritative book on ‘Hair Removal Techniques – A Comprehensive Manual’, Helen Bickmore estimates that waxing can lead to breakage at least in around 30% of hairs, with an even higher % of broken hairs caused by poor waxing technique, or with clients who are de-hydrated and have poorly moisturised skin.
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